
flash mx november, 2003 j.tarbell |
350 x 350 pixels
2 self-dividing lines
11 recursive levels |
800 x 600 pixels
6 self-dividing lines
15 recursive levels |
Intricate organic forms are generated using recursively
subdividing lines. By randomly offsetting the midpoint of each subdivision,
an irregular overlapping line construct is produced.
Construction of the image above was simple. Six lines, grouped in
pairs, where arranged across the page. Classic coastline fractal detail
then emerged through the natural subdividing process of each line.
Midpoint markers and shaded regions have been added to emphasize the
history of the breaking process.

0000 |

0001 |

0002 |

0003 |

0004 |

0005 |
The key to the construction process is the definition
of the subdividing line. In this example, the line is initially defined
by two endpoints, a color, and a depth. The depth is used to keep
the construct from becoming too complex.
With each step, the line instantiates two new lines connecting it's
endpoints with some arbitrary midpoint. This process is repeated until
the object becomes so complex that self-divisions are no longer distinguishable. |