selected works available
computational artifact, housing vernacular
cubic attractor
processing    january, 2004    j.tarbell
  launch small java applet launch medium java applet launch large java applet  
  200 x 200 pixels
36 cities x 200 travelers
500 x 500 pixels
64 cities x 2000 travelers
800 x 800 pixels
121 cities x 5000 travelers
A minimalist modification of the City Traveler system. Cities are initiated in grid locations. Each chooses another grid location at random and moves to it.
computational artifact, deregulation
computational artifact, navigation
computational artifact, cohesion
computational artifact, influence
computational artifact, seperation
computational artifact, contraction
computational artifact, inflation
computational artifact, expansion
Note how some cities move beyond the extent of the original instantiation. This is a result of cities holding inertia as they travel towards their destinations. Cities are not aware of their arrival time, so when they reach their destinations, they are traveling too fast to stop, and shoot beyond it. Slowly the cities oscillate and stop precisely at their destinations.