
flash mx october, 2003 j.tarbell |
200 x 300 pixels
animated construction detail |
600 x 337 pixels
54 individual piles |
Bone Piles is an iteratively generated collection
of simple organic shapes tied together with increasing complexity.
With each new instantiation, the bone is given unique attributes computed
at random and according to the progress of the iteration. Both rotation
and scale are set in this fashion. As a final, important step, the
instantiated bone takes its shape from one of seven possibilities.
Arranging rock, plant, and bone in a computational space is easier
to clean up. |

0000 |

0001 |

0002 |

0003 |

0004 |

0005 |

0006 |

0007 |

0008 |

0009 |

0010 |

0011 |

1000 Over 7,000 bones
arranged in 486 discrete piles |